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The Book of Mormon-Some Parables of Comparison

For nearly two hundred years, The Book of Mormon has been studied, analyzed, criticized, and scrutinized by educated religious scholars, common folks and everyone in between. 

Hugh Nibley, a Latter-day Saint educator published the following parable many years ago to demonstrate the responses by some of those that have examined the book and Joseph Smith's claims.

This parable highlights the allegations, motives, and criticisms of those that have spoken against it over the last two centuries.

 “A young man once long ago claimed he had found a large diamond in his field as he was plowing. He put the stone on display to the public free of charge, and everyone took sides. A psychologist showed, by citing some famous case studies, that the young man was suffering from a well-known form of delusion. A historian showed that other men have also claimed to have found diamonds in fields and have been deceived. A geologist proved that there were no diamonds in the area but only quartz. . . . When asked to inspect the stone itself, the geologist declined with a weary, tolerant smile, and a kindly shake of the head. . . . 

A sociologist showed that only three out of 177 florists’ assistants in four major cities believed the stone was genuine. A clergyman wrote a book to show that it was not the young man but someone else who had found the stone. “Finally an indignant jeweler . . . pointed out that since the stone was still available for examination, the answer to the question of whether it was a diamond or not had absolutely nothing to do with who found it, or whether the finder was honest or sane, or who believed him, or whether he would know a diamond from a brick . . . but was to be answered simply and solely by putting the stone to certain well-known tests for diamonds. 

Experts on diamonds were called in. Some of them declared it genuine. The others made nervous jokes about it and declared that they could not very well jeopardize their dignity and reputations by appearing to take the thing too seriously. To hide the bad impression thus made, someone came out with the theory that the stone was really a synthetic diamond, very skillfully made, but a fake just the same. 

The objection to this is that the production of a good synthetic diamond [in that day and age] would have been an even more remarkable feat than the finding of a real one.”  To suggest that Joseph Smith, a farm boy with little formal education, produced a synthetic work of God in 1829 that has baffled the brightest of critics for almost two centuries would be a more remarkable conclusion than the simple fact that he obtained golden plates from an angel of God and translated them by the gift and power of God. 

Just as there is a certain test to determine the validity of a diamond, there is a certain test to determine the truthfulness of a divine work, and that test is to study it and then sincerely pray and ask God if it is true (see Moroni 10: 4–5). Any other test or approach will fall short of the mark. 

Quoting the Book of Mormon
Moroni 10:4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

For forty-five years I have witnessed the effects of having read and prayed about the Book of Mormon and the Holy Ghost manifest to me that it is the word of God. Joseph Smith was called of God to bring it forth and to establish a restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ.  I invite you to read it and to ask God if it is a true witness of his son, Jesus Christ.

Jeffrey Holland Testifies of the Book of Mormon


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