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How Can We Have An Eternal Family?

I attended a traditional Christian church with my parents as a young boy.  I later learned that the fundamental precepts of our theology were that marriage and family relationships as we know them were temporary and ended at death. I did like the feeling I got when I went to church but the teachings didn't really make sense.

My mother died a month before I turned nine. After her death, I lived with a lingering curiosity about heaven and wondering if there were answers to this mystery of life. The vague concepts of what heaven might be like in traditional Protestantism were not that reassuring.

I later learned that the idea of eternal family relationships was a teaching unique to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (The Mormon Church).

As I attended church with some friends and learned about what they believed about life after death it made so much sense. The plan of life and salvation that centers on Jesus Christ and was ordained by our Father in Heaven is centered in our families.

"The Family, A Proclamation to the World" summarizes the doctrine and the principles of eternal families.  

Latter-day Saints teach that God created our spirit before we were born.  Our spirit and body are created in the image of God. Our spirit is the literal offspring of God and is the result of the love of our Heavenly Parents.  We were not just imagined into existence at our mortal birth. Our spirit is image of God is male and female and also is our physical mortal body. 

Marriage and families are established by God for our happiness. As his children, our eternal happiness is increased in our family relationships as is God's. The principle of Marriage came from heaven. It is a covenant that unites husbands and wives in the bonds of affection and nurturing.  As we faithfully keep this covenant it grows stronger by creating and working together in this life and extends into eternity if we remain faithful to it.

Motherhood and Fatherhood are eternal precepts.  In the relationships that exemplify the pattern God established in the earth, we see that human creation only takes place when there are a father and a mother. Under ideal circumstances a husband and wife. Because life's circumstances aren't always fair, opportunities still exist after we die that give every person a chance to form these relationships.

LDS theology is unique because living prophets and apostles with authority from Jesus Christ have revealed the nature of families. Orthodox teachings are based on the conclusions of self-appointed philosopher/theologians.

Traditional or orthodox Christian theology teaches that the creation of man and woman, the male and female genders, marriage, and family were completely new concepts in the Garden of Eden. 

Latter-day Saints as a Christian community testify that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.  As the living and resurrected Christ he leads his church in our day. As our Savior, he can and will help us find happiness through his eternal gospel. All individuals and families can be healed and find happiness if they are willing to seek it through him.

The opportunities to have a full family life are not limited to this temporary mortality only but do require our diligence to learn.  He is the Savior of the Father's family and our individual families as well if we will let him.


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