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Joseph Smith a Latter Day Prophet

How did the experience and testimony of a 14 year old boy, Joseph Smith reveal the fullness of the doctrine of Christ, and led to the founding of an organization that has spread throughout the world?

Would people be more accepting of him if he had been prominent Bible scholar? Most likely not, because the theology he revealed countered the philosophies of men that had ruled in the religious creeds and theological institutions for millennia.

Members in the wards or congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are all over the world.  None of us have met or seen Joseph Smith.  We are not influenced by his presence in any way, only by his testimony.  How is it that millions of followers express such confidence in the testimony of a boy from the early 1800's? 

It is because we can see the hand of God in the doctrine and the organization with actual authority to teach it.  The Book of Mormon is a testament of Christ that cannot be denied when sincere and honest study of its message are undertaken by a seeker of truth. It leads people to Christ and covenants and ordinances that only the Savior's church is authorized to perform.

Those that would defame Joseph Smith use fallacies and narratives based on speculation and loosely conjectured events to spread mis- information about his life and character.  By taking historical issues that are vague and subjective without historical accuracy and cultural background they construct a narratives designed to defame the nature of his life.  

His detractors and critics considered him a threat to their religious precepts and sought to undermine him in many ways.  Joseph Smith's revelations and the content of his teachings led to the success of the church that has grown to fill the world.  It was founded on the prophet's mission as one called of God and an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Using viewpoints of a dubious nature of past past events and questionable testimonials, the history of the Church and Joseph Smith have been represented inaccurately. The facts are mixed with narratives suited to display negative intentions of defaming Joseph. Listeners in the congregations of modern churches are presented with information that is rarely fact checked for accuracy.

Why would any that profess faith in Jesus Christ object to additional testimonies, witnesses, and scripture that testifies of the Savior's involvement in the world?  Who wouldn't want a second, third, or fourth witness of their Saviors life, love and teachings?  

As evidence of his prophetic calling additional scripture has been revealed to fill the voids in biblical and extra biblical philosophies about God.

Joseph Smith's life's story revolves around his testimony that he saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. What became of that experience and subsequent experiences as additional divine beings visited him is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as it presently stands.  It is the true and living Church of Christ. The Lord is the head of the church and directs it through his living apostles and prophets.

The foundation of Apostles and Prophets exists much as it did in the church when Jesus organized it anciently. Though small in comparison to the world, it is in all the world and has made significant impact in many areas.  It is not growing in a small corner of nowhere nor is it unknown by leaders of nations. 

Many answers to the questions of life are found in the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


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