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The Role of Prophets and the Restoration of all Things

There are thousands of denominations in the Christian community today.  Why is this so?  After all there is only one Bible and one Savior and one God the Father that we worship.  The Bible states there should be one Lord, one faith and one baptism.

The simple self evident truth is that Jesus established a church, men changed it, then reformers changed it again and now it keeps changing.  While professing the Bible as the common book of scripture there are still profound misunderstandings and disagreements as scholars and theologians continue to debate its content and meaning.

The reason we have a Bible is because God anciently called prophets to lead his people. Revelation was on the earth through authorized servants that spoke for God. Even though the people did not always follow them they were there as a constant voice. The call to ancient Israel was to stay true, to not stray from the covenants God had made with them and they with God.  

The Christian world today is divided into a multitude of sects and denominations because there was a falling away from eternal truths taught by Jesus and his apostles.  This is evident in many of the epistles in the New Testament. Closing the heavens was chief among the fallacies that set a foundation for the creeds and doctrines of men that developed and were established as principle teachings in classical theism.

The truths that will save us have always come by revelation to prophets, not by the reasoning of scholars or debating and dissension by self proclaimed priests.  In order to achieve the divisions in modern Christianity the Bible has been used as a tool and many simply teach what they want from it to make their own points of doctrine. Independent scholars put forth a dogma and debate continues. Since there is no prophetic leadership they do and teach as they please.

How it is that believers today have explained away the need for living prophets is nothing short of ignoring the whole Bible.  It exists only because of  prophets.

Christian beliefs and doctrines have changed and transformed in many ways during during the last 2000 or so years.

History confirms the dialogues of philosophers, emperors, scholars and theologians that have formulated their studies and opinions into a multitude of religious concepts and teachings. Only a few basic creeds exist upon which they agree.

There was a major reformation when the protestant religions ended up separating from the Catholic church.  Where did or do they get their authority? If they fail to agree on doctrinal continuity how can they claim to be following the same God? If the idea of a reformation with no clear authorization is acceptable as a way to change the church, then a restoration of the truth authorized by God certainly would be necessary?

What would happen if some famous pastor came out and declared that he was a prophet and changed the traditional doctrines.   He too would most likely be laughed to scorn. We see that there would need to be something substantially different about a prophet and his mission.  Living prophets have shown that the creeds of men are not the doctrines of the living God.

Comments, observations and articles are the author's opinions from his perspective as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  The opinions expressed are my own and do not officially represent the church's position.  In most cases links are included to official church materials or other articles of interest.

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