What is the grace of God and how does it come through Jesus Christ? Some say a person only needs to confess with the mouth that Jesus is their Savior. That brings up some questions. Did Old Testament believers, the Jews and the various tribes of Israel and the gentiles have a chance to know enough to make such a confession? What about the other billions that have lived without access to or knowledge of the bible and its teachings? Such a doctrine when viewed from a realistic standpoint is unjust and logically flawed if God truly is a just being. The idea of a single confession is for the most part an invention of modern-day evangelicals since they have no real authority to oversee the word or work of God. God created the earth and then created man and woman and everything they need to live in mortality and to live eternally after mortality. The Fall induced a state of opposition. This what the knowledge of good and evil is. With such knowledge, ...
What mysteries will God reveal to those that have eyes to see and ears to hear?....Yea, even the wonders of eternity shall they know"..... Doctrine and Covenants 76:8