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The King Follett Discourse-As Man Now is God Once Was

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was founded in 1830.  In 1820 14-year-old Joseph Smith declared that in search of the truth about God, he prayed in a secluded grove.  He testified of his experience in 1832 that God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him in answer to that prayer.  Since that day additional claims of visitations from angels, including one that showed him where an ancient record was stored and that he would translate.   The Book of Mormon came forth as another testament of Jesus Christ. The Church of Jesus. In the next fourteen years until 1844, Joseph revealed doctrines that had been lost to Christendom after the death of Jesus and his apostles. As God's prophet he was called to restore authority to act in God's name and reestablish the Savior's church in preparation for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In the process he revealed much about the order of heaven and eternal life with God. On April 7, 1844, a few months before ...
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God is Not Dead- Was He Just Sleeping?

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Adam and Eve: The World's First Christians

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