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Seeking Eternal Truth

There is birth and there is death and in between is this thing we call life. Do we at some point begin to realize that mortality is just a subset of eternity? What knowledge do we need to possess to obtain any kind of eternal salvation?  What is salvation in the eternal sense?

Are we eternal beings in some way or just temporarily animated by the makeup of our organic chemistry?  Did it begin at birth and does it end at death?  These are timeless questions so far as mankind is concerned. 

The reality is that we each have a mere century or less in which to carry out life's intended purpose.  Why are we here on earth?  Why is there opposition and suffering as well as happiness?  Does anyone including atheists truly resolve themselves to believe that life has no eternal purpose, that the life force that brought them into existence is random?

Answers to these questions can only be found in one way that is not speculative or driven by opinions.  It is to seek in faith with the assurance that God has a way appointed to learn them. The answers as to why we are here cannot be determined by philosophy or science or spiritualistic speculations even though these can be stepping stones to the answers. 

Most religious philosophies are simply opinions and thoughts about what might be the case by Biblical philosophers and scholars.  Nothing they say is binding because they have no real authority other than their own appointment to tell others what they think the Bible says.

Those inclined to philosophical observations can look at the realities of life and make some logical conclusions or theories even though they are still limited to human reasoning in their scope. Science can provide answers as to how God does things. After all, isn't all science just an extension of His laws and is existential or self-evident truth?   

As we begin to explore the universe gathering ever greater amounts of light with powerful telescopes we see as it were back in time.   We realize the depths of unexplored territory even more profoundly than we had perhaps previously pondered.  As we see that the universe is endless why is it that our recorded history is only about 6000 years old?

The philosophical and scientific answers still do not provide the backdrop of purpose that only theology can give.  The opinions of spiritualists, Bible scholars and religious apologists in their self-appointed fashion are not a foundation for theological truth. 

Self-proclaimed spiritualists ponder the ways in which all things are connected but their observations are limited to their own preponderances unsupported by anything except their own conclusions.

True theology will contain principles from wherever they are found.   Certain spiritual truths are only known through the revelatory processes that God uses to communicate with man.  It does exist and it can be discovered and it can be determined.  

Personal opinions have no effect on the actuality of truth.   Theology must agree with science when the facts are indisputable.  All science that we know in our limited capacity is a subset of the science that exists throughout endless space.

To say that these processes and opportunities don't exist would be to say that the Creator has chosen not to reveal himself. He desires to reveal himself to all on the terms of eternal truth that establishes the order of the heavens and all things that in them are.   

The observable conclusion debated by skeptics and apologists is whether the earth is either a divine creation or a freak occurrence.  It is in some remote place of infinite space held in place to its source of light and life by a force so powerful we can hardly imagine it. Even so, we know what it is.  

While science chips away at the facts of existence, theology can peel away the veil of ignorance that surrounds the wisdom of this world and tells us why we are here even though we may not always see it. 

Considering another example of order and complexity, the human body and its exquisite complexity still function under the food intake of someone completely ignorant of its operation.  The function of hunger will cause an action to consume if food is available.  It is so as well with spirituality. 

One doesn't need complex knowledge of all things to grow spiritually in small ways. When we understand the manner in which the body uses the food intake and how different foods affect it acting on that knowledge can produce longer and healthier lives.

The spirit is much the same.  There are inferior methods of observing spirituality and then there is the fullness of truth. There is a fountain of knowledge and opportunity springing up into the reality of eternity.  God placed us here to learn, but not to force knowledge upon us. The principles of agency and faith drive the acquiring of knowledge in all areas of existence. For this reason, mortality is part of God's eternal plan for us.

Look at how we can observe the atomic nature of things and subatomic activity.  There is a powerful order in the universe that causes things to act in systematic ways.   Light permeates all things and gives existence to them whether animate or inanimate.  They come to exist because some power has acted upon them, even the power of God.  

We with our powers of agency can act to cause things to happen or we can be acted upon. Which it is, is our choice. Why this is our choice was God's law.  As stated in Genesis. "Behold the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil."  We have been entrusted to act upon that knowledge and to do good.


Charlie Brown said…
Why do some members of the Mormon church and others criticize the church?

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